Hello internet people or others checking out my amazing cool page that took me way too long to make. If anybody knows how to rename ur neocity please tell me because its stuck to this weird name and theres seemingly no way to change it. Does this mean i just have to accept that weird name or can i change it somewhere? You might've noticed that i havent said what the name is and its because i dont want to leave this editing page and check just for this bit im doing. Are you even reading this? You're probably bored if you are. Maybe you just saw this specific part of the text and you dont even know what i was talking about, or maybe you're a cheater and you inspect elemented this to see the full message. If you did, props to you, you're a genius arent you?

Welcome to my Neocity! (or is it Neocite?)

A little about me

Im just a guy who like to make random stuff in his mean time, you can tell i dont really know what to write in this section but basically i thought it would be fun to make my own neocity neocite neosite whatever.

If it wasnt obvious already, my html isnt very good, all i know is what i have learned from over the years and help from the internet (ironically, the internet was pretty unsuccesful at teaching me how to make a website)

I really like to make art though, i see this website as more of an act of art then a functional website, although i am still gonna make it work! I have some information about me and my interests and hopefully you would want to check that out!

Check the links in the sidebar for more resources to build your own website!

A Blog of sorts

Making this website has been really fun, its definitelly a bit different from making my spacehey profile (check that out btw). If you look at both my spacehey and this, you notice i have a very specific style of webdesign, its the only type of web design i actually like since its so fun and whimsical amiright guys!

Theres something about this specific style that feels like visiting your friends house for the first time and seeing all the weird stuff they have in their room and having them explain it to you, i guess thats kind of what i wanted my web page to feel like. If i had good web design experience, i definattely definitely would've recreated a funky looking bedroom and stuff, but im still pretty happy with how this website came out